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NEWS-March 2020

From March 16th direct customer service is suspended until further notice at the service points of the Lower Silesian Voivodship Office in the Department of Citizens' Affairs and Foreigners. Booked visits are cancelled.

From March 16th  direct customer service is suspended until further notice at the service points of the Lower Silesian Voivodship Office in the Department of Citizens' Affairs and Foreigners.
Booked visits are cancelled.
Customers are advised to suspend visits or limit them to emergency situations, documented in detail, reasonable and urgent and agreed during a telephone conversation with the office consultant.
Passport applications can be submitted only at one of the service points in Wrocław, Jelenia Góra, Legnica, Wałbrzych, by prior appointment by phone.
In the above-mentioned locations, the passport document can be collected only in the event of an urgent situation after prior appointment by phone.
Officials do not interrupt their work, matters are dealt with by phone, e-mail or post; below is a list of phone numbers for service points regarding possible visits.
The Passport Point in Głogów is closed until further notice.
Below list of phone numbers regarding reservation matters:
tel. 757229432, 757229434, for reservations regarding Jelenia Góra
tel. 76 713 50 06, 76 713 50 05 for reservations regarding Legnica
tel. 74 847 41 01, 74 847 41 06 for reservations regarding Wałbrzych
tel. 71 340 67 46, 71 340 61 19, 71 340 61 21, 71 340 62 46, 71 340 61 55 for reservations regarding Wrocław in passport matters
in matters of legalization of stay tel. 71 340 60 76, 71 340 60 79, for reservations regarding Wroclaw
Detailed information related to the handling of individual cases will be posted on a regular basis at www.duw.pl


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